Debunking Dental Myths In Stratford
Here at the Brush & Floss Dental Center, we love answering questions and helping people learn how to better care for their teeth. However, we often hear that our patients believe a lot of common dental myths that are actually harming their overall health. Today, Dr. Jeffrey C. Hoos is… Read More»
Bad Breath: Causes And Cures
Bad breath can be both embarrassing and uncomfortable. If you struggle with halitosis, you’re not alone – an estimated 60 million people in the United States chronically suffer from it. Luckily, Dr. Jeffrey C. Hoos is here to tell you that you don’t have to live with halitosis any longer,… Read More»
Last Minute Stocking Stuffers
Running out of stocking stuffer ideas? Check out these last minute dental stocking stuffers to keep a loved one smiling. Read More»»
The Three Stages of Gum Disease
Your oral health is an important contributor to your overall health. Learn about the three stages of gum disease and how they can affect your everyday life. Read More»»
How Artificial Sweeteners are Attacking Teeth
Dental implant provider Dr. Hoos wants to explain why making the switch to sugar-free treats may be doing you smile more damage than good. Read More»»
Summer Foods To Avoid for Oral Health
Dental implant provider Dr. Hoos wants to tell you about which summer foods you should avoid if you ant to maintain your oral health. Read More»»
Fun Facts About Teeth in History
Dental implant provider Dr. Hoos wants to share some interesting facts about teeth before modern dentistry changed the world. Read More»»
Spring Time with Gaetano’s
Dental implant provider Dr. Hoos wants to tell you a little about his favorite local deli and how Gaetano's can help you celebrate spring. Read More»»
The History Behind St. Patrick
Dental implant provider Dr. Hoos wants to tell you a bit about St. Patrick and where to get the best beer in town. Read More»»
Why Do We Valentine?
Dental implant provider Dr. Hoos wants to share with you some of the possible origins of the traditions we practise on Valentine's Day. Read More»»